1000+ General Knowledge Questions and Answers For Competitive Exams!!
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100+ Pages
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As we are aware that General Knowledge (GK) is a very important area in all the competitive exams held in the country. Nowadays, a good knowledge of general awareness is very important in clearing any competitive exam. To overcome all this you should have an understanding of the things happening around you. General Knowledge is the most featured subject in competitive exams. No matter which field you go in, General Knowledge is inescapable and hence candidates must prepare them well.
To help students prepare better and gain a stronghold in General Knowledge questions and answers. This PDF covers topics of General Knowledge for competitive exams in the niches of history and geography of India and the World, Indian Polity, General Science, World Organizations & Institutions, Literature and Language. The reason why these topics have been covered comprehensively is due to the fact that questions from these topics are reflected in nearly every important exam in India. Other highlights of this PDF include 1000+ questions with solutions.
One positive thing about General Knowledge is the amount of information is fixed and we have already read that General Knowledge at some point of our study. We just need to recollect the most important topics of General Knowledge from examination point of view and recall them regularly. Having a command on General Knowledge is going to help you in a broad range of exams.